Area9 Lyceum Blog

Why Adaptive Is the Future of E-Learning

Written by Area9 | Dec 13, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Many business leaders have mixed feelings about traditional e-learning (maybe you’re one of them).

Where e-learning goes wrong is in its one-size-fits-none learning format. It’s mass produced without focusing on the needs of individual learners. The problem is not with the concept of e-learning itself - e-learning is a great way, the only way, to provide training at scale. The problem is the way e-learning is set up: right now, all corporate e-learning programs use traditional learning as its guiding principle. Traditional learning delivery methods simply don’t have the capacity to deliver personalized learning at scale.

Corporate e-learning has a difficult task: teaching learners from a variety of backgrounds, with varying levels of experience, so they can do their jobs to the best of their ability.

But Adaptive Learning is the future. Adaptive Learning is the answer to failures of traditional e-learning.

Adaptive Learning Fixes the E-Learning Problem

Adaptive Learning fixes the e-learning problem by personalizing to each learner; it teaches your staff, at scale. So whether you have a team of 10, or a multinational business with thousands of employees, like Hitachi Data Systems, Adaptive Learning can teach all of them and ensure that every learner masters the learning content.

How Does It Do This?

A combination of formative assessment and artificial intelligence (AI) helps the Adaptive Learning software do this. Adaptive Learning software teaches by asking learners questions, then asks learners about their confidence in their answers. The software collects data on learners’ answers and on their engagement with the content and moves them through your learning content according to the results collected.

Two people, with the same education and same experience level in your business could have completely different adaptive learning journeys because their confidence levels might be different, they might have different knowledge gaps, or their areas of unconscious incompetence (or areas of not know what they don’t know) may differ. But in the end, both people would become proficient. Best of all they come out of the course feeling like they’ve had an engaged learning experience and they are better able to apply what they’ve learned back into your business.

Make Adaptive Learning A Part of Your E-Learning Future

Adaptive Learning brings personalized learning to the masses. But maybe it sounds a little too good to be true? Area9 Learning is ready to confront any fears you might have about Adaptive Learning software: this free e-book addresses three potential “risks” business leaders worry about with Adaptive Learning and how Area9 manages those risks.