You know that corporate learning is essential to every successful business. But finding the right learning delivery method for your business is difficult, especially with so many options like gamification or microlearning.
If you’ve ever been frustrated with corporate learning because:
- it takes your employees away from their jobs, when they could be doing something productive;
- it doesn’t seem to do anything - your employees complete courses but show no improvement or change in on-the-job behavior; or
- it wastes time teaching your employees what they already know 90% of the time, and new material only 10% of the time, leaving them unengaged, annoyed, and bored...
Adaptive Learning might be the solution you need.
3 Reasons Your Business Needs Adaptive Learning
If you don’t know whether Adaptive Learning is the right fit for your business, here are 3 reasons Adaptive Learning can benefit your company. You might need Adaptive Learning if...
Time Off the Job Matters: Adaptive Learning provides personalized learning for each learner, never showing learners content they already know. By skipping over the things they already know and only showing learners content they need to learn, Adaptive Learning optimizes training time, putting productivity back into the business. For retail and sales, call centers, and the medical field, this time savings is priceless.
- Outcomes Have Consequences: Corporate Learning is supposed to produce tangible business outcomes like improved productivity, a safer, smarter workforce, and increased profits.
Unfortunately, traditional corporate learning focuses solely on course completion and does not measure whether the learner actually learned anything.
Adaptive Learning produces tangible business outcomes by focusing on proficiency: ensuring every learner achieves mastery of the learning content.
One way Adaptive Learning does this is by uncovering and correcting unconscious incompetence, which occurs when an employee thinks they know something but they truly don’t. Area9 research suggests that for every subject, any learner is 15-40% unconsciously incompetent, leading to workplace errors and the type of outcome no one wants.
3. Courses Need to Be Repeated Over Time: For industries that must offer the same corporate learning courses time-after-time, like safety and compliance, Adaptive Learning is the ideal training delivery method. The adaptive engine quickly skips over any material the learner is already familiar with. Even better, the adaptive engine improves retention by focusing on content the learner is not familiar with, confident about, or has forgotten over time.
Make Adaptive Learning a Part of Your E-Learning Platform
There are many more scenarios in which Adaptive Learning improves upon traditional e-learning and benefits your business. Learn more about how Adaptive Learning can solve your corporate e-learning issues with this free ebook.