It’s not as hard as you think to make the transition from your traditional corporate training programs to Adaptive Learning. From working with subject matter experts and curating your learning content, to creating learning objectives (LOs), to authoring probes (questions), and compiling learning resources, Area9 makes the transition from traditional e-learning to Adaptive Learning easy.
2 Ways To Support Your Corporate Training Programs
Area9 has two services to help your business make the transition to Adaptive Learning.
- Total Instructional Design and Content Development Services: Are you the kind of company who knows you need to change your e-learning design but you’re encountering problems with
resources? If you simply don’t have the time or workforce capacity to implement the product your business can offload the initial responsibility onto Area9. You don’t have to worry about implementing the new e-learning design or educational tools but your business will reap the benefits of engaged learning, guaranteed mastery, and increased productivity.
- As Soon As You Need It: Agile Development is for businesses that need to get effective educational tools out fast. It’s for those organizations who don’t have time to follow the trajectory of plan - design - develop - deploy to get new learning out across your employees. Instead of designing a course and churning it out all at once (usually to revise it and remove assumptions later) Area9 can create an Adaptive Learning course that addresses your business’s most urgent learning needs now. And then, to follow the Agile Software Development movement by adding to the course overtime based on the feedback received from your learners in the Adaptive Learning platform. For example, you might start with 10% of a course - the most important 10% of your learning content - and as your staff move through that 10% Area9 designers add to it. And the best part is that the adaptive technology already knows which parts of the course your staff have been through so as new parts are added they don’t have to be re-exposed to content they’ve already learned.
Adaptive Learning Creates Corporate Training Programs Committed to Business Outcomes
When you download this free infographic you’ll learn more about how Area9 Adaptive Learning provides quality e-learning design with your business outcomes in mind. Learn about unconscious incompetence, the recharge function, and more.