When failure is not an option, compliance training must be done right the first time. But what if compliance training could do more than mitigate risk? What if training could teach employees to excel when the stakes are high?
When you need to offer your board an assured way to mitigate risk, offer them Adaptive Learning. The plug-and-play Adaptive engine rejuvenates your existing learning management system (LMS), without requiring you to replace it. Adaptive Learning guarantees learner mastery by driving understanding instead of encouraging employees to memorize course content or “phone in” a final test. Guaranteed mastery ensures employees don’t just mitigate risk to your business but will excel in high stakes situations.
How Does Adaptive Learning Mitigate Risk?
Traditional compliance training relies on a pass/fail metric to decide whether an employee has proven they are compliant. The problem with this is two-fold:
- If the passing grade is less than 100%, employees are technically compliant but could still open your company up to risk. If an employee scores 85% on a test provided at the end of a compliance course, there’s still, technically, 15% of the tested knowledge with which the employee did not demonstrate proficiency. What is that 15% worth to you when it comes to sexual harassment? Is that 15% worth the cost of a medical error to your hospital system?
- Even if the passing grade requires a score of 100%, this does not prove that learners have mastered the course content: it only proves that they remembered enough at the time of writing the test (or memorized the test after taking it enough times) to get a perfect score.
Developing an effective training program in compliance — one that can mitigate risk and help employees excel in high stakes industries — requires guaranteed learner mastery of course content.
Adaptive Learning Provides Learner Mastery in 3 Ways:
- Personalized Learning: Adaptive Learning adjusts to the needs of individual learners through
formative assessment. Instead of summative assessment (i.e., providing a test at the end of a process to assess knowledge), the adaptive engine assesses the level of learner knowledge by asking questions throughout the process. The adaptive engine also asks learners to self-assess their confidence in their answers, and then adjusts the course content accordingly. The result: learners only see relevant content and never waste time with material they’ve already mastered. An Adaptive Learning compliance course doesn’t end with a test: when learners have demonstrated mastery in one area of compliance, they move on to the next.
- Recharge: No one remembers everything they’ve learned the first time they see it. In a traditional compliance course, learners are only exposed to learning content once and are expected to remember it. Adaptive Learning, however, is different: the engine collects data from learners’ responses to formative assessment in order to identify problem learning areas. It then provides the learner with repeated exposures to those areas in order to “recharge” learning and guarantee understanding.
This granular reporting on individual, team, and company wide compliance training progress is the evidence you need to demonstrate to your board exactly how well Adaptive Learning mitigates risk by facilitating deep learning.
- Unconscious Incompetence: The adaptive engine pinpoints areas in compliance training where learners have unknown knowledge gaps or misconceptions and corrects them. Correcting unconscious incompetence improves mastery and reduces compliance risks.
Download this ebook to learn more about what Adaptive Learning is, how it works, and how you can use it to demonstrate to your board that you’ve mitigated risk.