Adaptive Learning provides a proven and effective training program that reduces training time by 50% without sacrificing learner mastery, and it’s great at solving the problems that other e-learning platforms overlook. But can Adaptive Learning be used to train an effective sales team? A vice president of sales needs to know.
Create an Effective Training Program for Your Sales Teams
Topics: Sales Training
By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be made up of Millennials. By then, if not sooner, your sales training will need to be mostly focused on reaching a Millennial audience. Unconscious incompetence disproportionately affects young professionals, so your corporate sales training will need to correct for this, or else it will affect your top and bottom line.
Topics: Sales Training
What’s the Best Type of Scalable Training Delivery Method for Sales Pros?
Formative assessment is the process of using assessment procedures (like posing questions) during the learning process. The intention is to modify teaching and learning activities to improve a learner’s success.
Topics: Sales Training
Does Unconscious Incompetence Do Harm to Your Sales Department?
Before we talk about unconscious incompetence, let’s talk about unconscious competence. Unconscious competence is a fancy way of saying “second nature” and it’s the level of competence that every sales rep should aspire to. When you think of unconscious competence think of the saying “it’s as easy as riding a bike”: once you learn how to do it, it’s a skill that comes naturally to you so you don’t have to think about it.
Topics: Unconscious Incompetence, Sales Training
How to Reduce Sales Staff Training Time, but Improve Sales Team Performance
Product knowledge is a driving force behind your sales team’s success. When your team knows your products - all of your products - they’re able to: communicate effectively with your buyers; create excitement around your products and services; boost your buyers’ confidence in your products and business, and; easily relieve objections buyers may have.
Topics: Sales Training