Assessments have been critical to successful compliance programs. Regular testing allows businesses to prove to auditors that the proper steps toward risk mitigation are being taken. The fact that Adaptive Learning uses formative assessment (teaching by asking questions throughout the course to assess learner understanding) instead of summative assessment (a post-course test) makes it much more powerful than traditional approaches to compliance training.
The Importance of Adaptive Learning in Risk Mitigation for Compliance
Topics: Compliance
There are so many factors that sales reps can’t control, like client budget constraints or a slow growth economy. That’s why, when managing a sales territory, it’s important sales reps are able to use their time - the one factor they can control - wisely.
Topics: Sales Training
How to Reduce Employee Turnover & Its Costs for Your Business
Employees who do not feel they can achieve their career goals at their current employer are 12 times more likely to consider leaving, according to IBM.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
Why Your Risk Mitigation Plan Needs Adaptive Learning to Be Successful
Learning and development training will always play a key role in a risk mitigation plan. In high stakes industries like healthcare or banking, and in industries that require important complex skills like aviation, training is a critical tool to mitigate risk.
Topics: Compliance
Close the Gap Between Top and Bottom Line Growth for Medical Sales
It doesn’t matter how strong your top line growth is when your bottom line expenses, like your medical sales training budget, are too high. As such, most sales teams keep their training expenses low - but at what cost? You still want top line growth, and training keeps the sword sharp for even your most experienced and knowledgeable sales professionals.
Topics: Sales Training, Healthcare Training
Why E-Learning Alone Won’t Fix the Skills Gap (Adaptive Learning Will)
Millennials are no longer just a small cohort of recent graduates entering the workforce. Many have reached managerial positions and, in some cases, have been working up to a decade beyond their post-secondary education. According to Abacus Data, in 2018 in Canada Millennials will make up the largest cohort in the workforce, making them the most represented of any other age group; also, more Millennials are eligible to vote in Canada than Baby Boomers.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning, Compliance
Create an Effective Training Program for Your Sales Teams
Adaptive Learning provides a proven and effective training program that reduces training time by 50% without sacrificing learner mastery, and it’s great at solving the problems that other e-learning platforms overlook. But can Adaptive Learning be used to train an effective sales team? A vice president of sales needs to know.
Topics: Sales Training
Because of cultural and economic changes, Millennials are more likely to change jobs frequently, or “job hop,” than older generations - especially in the five years following graduation. Often employers hope or expect that their new hires will stick with them for a long-term period, but that is getting less and less likely.
Topics: Compliance
Have You Considered Using E-Learning Before You Hire? Talent Analytics
Do you ever think about how odd it is that we still use resumes to apply for jobs? With all the world’s technological advances and connectivity, employers still want to see a bunch of bullet points on a piece of paper. It’s weird, isn’t it? With all the things that have changed and are changing in the work environment, wouldn’t resume-use change too?
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
Mitigate Risk by Creating Compliance Training Employees Enjoy
A compliance officer understands the risks of poor compliance training: lawsuits, litigation, poor workplace safety. You name it.
Topics: Compliance
By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be made up of Millennials. By then, if not sooner, your sales training will need to be mostly focused on reaching a Millennial audience. Unconscious incompetence disproportionately affects young professionals, so your corporate sales training will need to correct for this, or else it will affect your top and bottom line.
Topics: Sales Training
The Difference Between Adaptive Learning and a Recommendation Engine
Because every brain is different, Adaptive Learning changes its curriculum to meet every learner’s need. This is similar to what a recommendation engine does, but not quite the same thing.
Topics: Adaptive Learning