A 2016 survey found that American companies had an average turnover rate of 17.8%. But the survey also found that 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for at least three years if they experience a positive onboarding process. Even if you exclude high-turnover industries like retail and hospitality, that’s still an extremely high overall turnover rate.
What Does Training Have to Do with a Career Development Plan?
In past corporate environments, career development plans were generally viewed as the company’s responsibility: the company had to ensure its employees had the skills and competencies necessary to move up in the ranks. Because employees tended to stay with one company longer, the old corporate ladder was a method of attracting employees to the company.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
How Adaptive Learning Software Proves Compliance Training Is Effective
Organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Centre for Medicare Services, and legislation such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Food Safety and Traceability Act (FSMA), have created professional standards and training requirements for businesses and institutions. When audited, the onus is on each entity to prove that they have met these specifications.
Topics: Adaptive Learning, Compliance
When Your Sales Training Results Are All Over the Map, You Need Adaptive Learning
Sales and sales management training have the double hurdle of having to train many people over a vast territory (for example, employees in satellite offices or travelling sales reps) and with varied experience levels ranging from novice to expert.
Topics: Adaptive Learning, Sales Training
How to Convince Sales Leaders that They Need Adaptive Learning
Traditional corporate sales training has three components that often leave sales reps dissatisfied:
Topics: Adaptive Learning, Sales Training
The Cost of Training Programs for Employees: Adaptive Learning's ROI
A good company looks ahead to anticipate opportunities before they arrive, and spends resources preparing their workforce to meet those opportunities. Online e-learning, as a way of accomplishing this, is an obvious plus for most companies as it easily reduces cost of training programs for employees. But companies used to traditional classroom learning will wonder if the reduced cost means sacrificing training quality.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
The Difference Between Adaptive Learning and a Recommendation Engine
Because every brain is different, Adaptive Learning changes its curriculum to meet every learner’s need. This is similar to what a recommendation engine does, but not quite the same thing.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
While we’re living in an increasingly digital world, classroom training and blended learning - a combination of online and classroom learning - still hold an important place for the learning function. Blended learning, especially, allows employees and businesses to get the best of both: the scale of online learning with the personal leadership of classroom facilitation.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
The Best Thing Adaptive Learning Can Do for Corporate Sales Training
For corporate sales training to provide maximum business impact in the form of a productive sales team and increased revenue through sales numbers, the training must meet three key criteria.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
How to Prove That Adaptive Learning Is an Effective Training Program
If you want to make a change in learning and development, it won’t matter if you’ve convinced yourself Adaptive Learning is the key to an effective training program: you’ve still got to convince the stakeholders. And to do that you have to convince them that Adaptive Learning will positively affect your bottom line.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
Each brain is unique, and so traditional one-size-fits-all corporate training actually fits none. Personalized training is a better option, but how can you possibly offer personalized learning to 5000 or more employees? Adaptive Learning, that’s how.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
What Makes Good Training? Microlearning vs. Adaptive Learning
What makes good training in the corporate learning world? There are many forms of corporate learning and e-learning, and many options are a good thing, but sometimes that much choice can be overwhelming and tricky. For starters, let’s identify two differing strategies and see what comes out. This time we’ll explore microlearning versus Adaptive Learning.
Topics: Adaptive Learning