Your staff are as varied in their education, knowledge, and experience as your customers are. But while your business processes can most likely adapt to the diverse needs of your customers, your current corporate training capabilities are probably not as diverse; “one size fits none” is one of the biggest problems in corporate e-learning today.
Adaptive Learning: The Solution to Veteran and Novice Staff Training
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
Globalization, the demand for higher productivity and profit margins, and the practice of working remotely have increasingly driven companies toward e-learning as a training method over the last two decades. Despite its initial promise, the mass-produced quality of e-learning hinders its ability to deliver in 3 important ways: efficiency, engagement, and effectiveness. Adaptive Learning is
e-learning that delivers the efficiency, engagement, and effectiveness - the 3Es - and more to corporate learners.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
What Are The Problems With E-Learning (& How to Resolve Them)
For years, corporate satisfaction with e-learning has been low - and rightly so. Low engagement, difficulty in measuring outcomes, and lack of impact has left learners and training departments alike with bad feelings and low expectations of e-learning. E-Learning overcomes logistical challenges, but fails in most other areas.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
What Is E-Learning Fatigue & Are Your Learners Suffering?
The intent behind corporate training is this: providing engaging learning opportunities to multiple learners for maximum business impact. Unfortunately the intention often falls short of the reality and you instead get a PowerPoint deck that does little to engage, teach, or impact the business.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
Why Corporate E-Learning Is 175 Years Old & Needs an Upgrade
Corporate e-learning hasn’t changed since 1840; it uses summative assessment which doesn’t guarantee mastery. Learners need formative assessment for success.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning