Global spending on corporate training is going up - as much as 2-5% - and yet rates of unconscious incompetence in the workforce are as high as ever. It’s getting more and more expensive to force employees into unfulfilling training that ultimately falls short.
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How Adaptive Learning Optimizes Your Corporate Training Budget
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
Adaptive Learning is a Learning Experience, Not a Learning Event
When you take a training course to get your motorcycle license, does passing the course make you a master motorist? No, of course not. The course only means you have the most basic knowledge required to safely operate a motorcycle on the road.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
As corporate learning continues to evolve, so does the role of the corporate training instructor. Learners expect instructors to take on a different role than the one we’ve seen in traditional corporate training. This new role combined with Adaptive Learning creates the perfect environment for blended learning.
Topics: Adaptive Learning, ILT, Instructor Led Training, Blended Learning
Are Online Corporate Training Programs Better Than Classroom Learning?
Before we talk about which is better than the other, let’s talk about trends. In 2018, online corporate training programs are developing fast and becoming ever-more accessible.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
The Impact Adaptive Learning Has on E-Learning for Business Impact
Topics: Adaptive Learning
How Adaptive Learning Supports Instructional Designers’ Digital Skills
We already know that Adaptive Learning has multiple benefits for the learner and the business, but the technology also benefits the instructional designers who create corporate e-learning courses.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
While corporate e-learning reaps the benefits of technological advancement, there is always a risk that digital progress could negatively impact other essential skills.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
How Your E-Learning Resources Can Keep Up With the Digital Skills Gap
As technology develops faster than ever, the digital skills shelf life gets shorter. Before your employees have mastered a new technology the next generation is already available with new features and skills to learn.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
Learner needs are changing fast. Training Industry identified all the ways learner needs will influence corporate training delivery methods in 2018. First on their list: personalized learning is in high demand, pushing the corporate training function to catch up.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
The Danish Growth Fund has made a record-breaking $30 million investment in the Danish technology and learning company Area9 Lyceum. With this investment, considerably larger than previous investments by the fund, The Danish Growth Fund clearly signals their ambition of placing Denmark as world-leading in the field of educational technology.
Topics: News & PR, Adaptive Learning, Corporate E-Learning
How Unconscious Incompetence Affects Graduates and Young Professionals
As the Boomer generation ages, new workers will be needed to fill empty positions. But what happens to a new hire when the gaps in their knowledge are too big? Mistakes happen and productivity is lost.
Topics: Unconscious Incompetence
The Benefits of Mobile Adaptive Learning for the Retail Sector
Social media makes it so everyone is on their phones all the time. But what if instead of following Twitter you could use your mobile device for something productive? With mobile Adaptive Learning, you can.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning