If, as a chief compliance officer, you’re looking to mitigate risk by training your healthcare staff in compliance issues, you’re probably looking for a type of corporate training that can deliver scalability, a quick method that doesn’t take learners out of the workplace for too long, and the ability to keep learners engaged so their compliance training can help when it’s needed most.
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What’s the Best Kind of Training for Healthcare Compliance?
Topics: Compliance
2 Things You Must Do to Get the Most out of Corporate Sales Training
For the average salesperson, corporate training is the last place they want to be, and that’s because time spent in training is time spent not selling. This puts any would-be trainer at a disadvantage: take too long with the training, and you lose the sales crowd. But be too brief with the training (to accommodate for the fast-paced environment) and you risk spending too little time on important topics, thereby losing the learner’s interest.
Topics: Sales Training
What Does Training Have to Do with a Career Development Plan?
In past corporate environments, career development plans were generally viewed as the company’s responsibility: the company had to ensure its employees had the skills and competencies necessary to move up in the ranks. Because employees tended to stay with one company longer, the old corporate ladder was a method of attracting employees to the company.
Topics: Adaptive Learning
How Adaptive Learning Software Proves Compliance Training Is Effective
Organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Centre for Medicare Services, and legislation such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Food Safety and Traceability Act (FSMA), have created professional standards and training requirements for businesses and institutions. When audited, the onus is on each entity to prove that they have met these specifications.
Topics: Adaptive Learning, Compliance
When Your Sales Training Results Are All Over the Map, You Need Adaptive Learning
Sales and sales management training have the double hurdle of having to train many people over a vast territory (for example, employees in satellite offices or travelling sales reps) and with varied experience levels ranging from novice to expert.
Topics: Adaptive Learning, Sales Training
Do Your Learners Have Learning Fatigue & Do You Have LMS Fatigue?
Many traditional corporate training tools are the unfortunate cause of learning fatigue — a combination of ineffective, one-size-fits-all e-learning, disengaged learners, and tight training deadlines. Do you recognize any of those symptoms in your training?
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
When failure is not an option, compliance training must be done right the first time. But what if compliance training could do more than mitigate risk? What if training could teach employees to excel when the stakes are high?
Topics: Compliance
How to Convince Sales Leaders that They Need Adaptive Learning
Traditional corporate sales training has three components that often leave sales reps dissatisfied:
Topics: Adaptive Learning, Sales Training
Eradicate Unconscious Incompetence to Make Cross-Cultural Training Effective
Wherever you are in the world, you’ll always be able to find a McDonald’s restaurant. The McDonald’s secret to global popularity can’t be found in any secret sauce: its success is a result of the corporation’s cultural astuteness. Whether serving a market that is predominantly vegetarian, or one that avoids beef, or pork, or enjoys fish, McDonald’s adjusts its menu to the local cultural flavor — to great success. While we aren’t responsible for McDonald’s corporate learning we have to assume that someone at McDonald’s at some time received cross-cultural training.
How Adaptive Learning-Based Assessment Improves Compliance for Banks
A compliance officer needs to understand the laws and regulations regarding their industry, but so do the employees within their company. Without company-wide knowledge of compliance, a company is put at risk for all sorts of noncompliance issues, and faces litigation.
Topics: Unconscious Incompetence
What You Need to Provide Good Training for Your Millennial Sales Team
In 2016, Millennials surpassed Gen Xers to become the largest part of the American workforce. In 2019, Millennials will outnumber the Baby Boomers in overall population. Sales management is going to have to get used to the changing attitudes and priorities of these Millennials who will soon make up the bulk of their workforce.
Topics: Sales Training
The Cost of Training Programs for Employees: Adaptive Learning's ROI
A good company looks ahead to anticipate opportunities before they arrive, and spends resources preparing their workforce to meet those opportunities. Online e-learning, as a way of accomplishing this, is an obvious plus for most companies as it easily reduces cost of training programs for employees. But companies used to traditional classroom learning will wonder if the reduced cost means sacrificing training quality.
Topics: Adaptive Learning