Traditional corporate learning and corporate e-learning teaches content and then asks questions to establish which parts the learner absorbed.You can expect there will be parts the learner remembers. But there will also be parts they don’t remember, and they’ll get many of the answers right simply by guessing (not because they truly have mastered the topic well enough to apply the information in a real setting). So how, in a corporate training environment, can you remediate these knowledge gaps which could be the very gaps you set out to solve in the first place?
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How To Optimize Employee Training Time. The Adaptive Learning Model
A major problem with traditional corporate training programs is the time it takes to deliver them. Corporate training often burdens your staff - your company’s most valuable asset - with death-by-PowerPoint presentations or boring page-turn e-learning. And, after it becomes clear your staff have not understood or applied what they were supposed to learn, your company must spend more money and time on costly re-training.
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3 Benefits of Adaptive Learning (& 3 Risks We Can Help You Avoid)
Corporate learning and e-learning are too often seen as a “check the box” exercise. Learners do not engage with the content and the result is that they do not learn anything, they do not master the content, and therefore they cannot bring that mastery back into the business.
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NEWS RELEASE: Area9 and Valia Sign Partnership Agreement to Advance the Multi-Billion Dollar Corporate Education Market in the Middle East and North Africa
Strategic Partnership to Transform the Future of Corporate Education.
BOSTON, Mass. and RIYADH - Area9 Learning and Valia Investments have signed a long-term exclusive partnership to advance adaptive e-learning for corporations in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA).
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What You Need to Know About the Benefits of Blended Learning
One of the biggest benefits of e-learning is that it is convenient. But many feel there is no substitute for in-classroom learning. Research shows that the combination of the two - blended learning - combines the advantages of each for better outcomes; here are some of the things you need to know about how the benefits of blended learning can improve corporate learning program.
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Globalization, the demand for higher productivity and profit margins, and the practice of working remotely have increasingly driven companies toward e-learning as a training method over the last two decades. Despite its initial promise, the mass-produced quality of e-learning hinders its ability to deliver in 3 important ways: efficiency, engagement, and effectiveness. Adaptive Learning is
e-learning that delivers the efficiency, engagement, and effectiveness - the 3Es - and more to corporate learners.
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What Is Unconscious Incompetence & How Can You Prevent It?
You’ve heard the saying “you don’t know what you don’t know”; this is unconscious incompetence. Imagine your sales team: are they confident that they understand all of the important features of your products? In reality, they probably don’t. That lack of knowledge is a reason your company might miss revenue goals. You’re not alone; unconscious incompetence negatively affects most companies.
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What Are The Problems With E-Learning (& How to Resolve Them)
For years, corporate satisfaction with e-learning has been low - and rightly so. Low engagement, difficulty in measuring outcomes, and lack of impact has left learners and training departments alike with bad feelings and low expectations of e-learning. E-Learning overcomes logistical challenges, but fails in most other areas.
Topics: Corporate E-Learning
What Is E-Learning Fatigue & Are Your Learners Suffering?
The intent behind corporate training is this: providing engaging learning opportunities to multiple learners for maximum business impact. Unfortunately the intention often falls short of the reality and you instead get a PowerPoint deck that does little to engage, teach, or impact the business.
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Why Corporate E-Learning Is 175 Years Old & Needs an Upgrade
Corporate e-learning hasn’t changed since 1840; it uses summative assessment which doesn’t guarantee mastery. Learners need formative assessment for success.
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What Is Adaptive Learning? The Fix for E-Learning Engagement
Because every brain is different, every brain learns differently. To truly learn, people (and their brains) must be fully engaged in the content. Despite the problem it set out to solve, e-learning is widely criticized for failing to provide this level of engagement we expect.
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